August 26, 2010

Happy birthday adik!

dear adik, 
but dier mmbahasakan diri dier 'abang' dgn family  sbb dier anak laki sulung tp aku terbiasa panggil dier adik,
happy birthday utk umur 15 tahun...masih muda ok!
sudah 15 tahun, bukan 5 tahun..remember that! 
on your day, i would like to say, 
i'm lucky to have you as my brother.. great brother actually! tlg jgn perasan lebey by the way
although sometimes ko selalu sakitkn hati aku.. pls accept it =)
after 15 years being your sister, da tibe masa i tell u something personally but i need to tell you through my blog..because why..u'll cry in front of me and i'm sick of it..haha..m i rite?
**dier sngt manja walaupon dier degil and nampak control hensem
 bile mama, papa, or kakak tgr something bad of you, pls dgr dulu..then baru argue..
sometime you are very very good lil' brother to me and big brother to adam and kak jie..
i'm proud of you! because i know, u can replace my position as the eldest and i know, u can take care of our family especially lagi 2 org adik as i do..
but kdg2 dik, the truth is, you like to memberontak with mama and papa..
 i didnt said that u are bad but actually, you are not good enough.. haha =)
no need to memberontak dgn mama papa that u want motor la, kereta la.. no need..because what, not the right time yet.. baru umor 15 dik..
mama already told u rite, just another 2 years to get your driving lisensce, then, dapat la apa yg ko nk tu.. just bersabar sikit je lagi..xcukup lagi mama bagi muka?bagi betis nk peha.. =)
please la dik...
jgn jd mcm ayahsu..
unindependant **btol ke eja ni?
u are more more better than him rite? then, show me..
 but the most thing is, 
i'm proud to be your sister 
happy birthday once again!

note: masa dier kcik2 dulu, hodoh je dier..paling hodoh antara kami adik beradik kot.. haha.. kejam giler ayat!  tp, yg aku pelik and xpuas hati, asal makin besar makin hensem? nape aku x mcm tu pon? mgkin aku silap tgk koooot... hahaha! =)

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